Shuttle Service will run for the 3, 5, 5:30, & 7pm services from the Methodist Home for Children. Directions from the church can be found here.
Methodist Home for Children
1041 Washington Street, 27605
Christmas Eve Worship
3:00pm - Traditional Worship with Communion
5:00pm - Traditional Worship with Communion
5:30pm - Worship with Communion and Candlelight
7:00pm - Traditional Worship with Communion
9:00pm - Traditional Worship with Communion
11:00pm - Traditional Worship with Communion
Business Office Year-end Hours
The church is closed Monday, December 27, Tuesday, December 28, and Friday, December 31. However, the business office will be open on December 31 from 10am-3pm to receive pledge payments and donations.
Sunday, December 26th
We will have one service at 10am in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to attend!
Childcare will be provided.
Holiday Share
Donate in honor or in memory of a loved one to benefit one of our local partner agencies through the Holiday Share program using this form through Friday, December 24. Volunteers will be at the front desk to assist on Sundays.
Green Chair Collection
Access the Amazon wish list here or bring newly purchased items the church.