Lead Pastor dbeam@hbumc.org ext. 1115 Pastor David partners with lay leaders in discerning and casting congregational vision, promotes a healthy workplace environment for staff to grow and contribute effectively, oversees worship, and coordinates the Administrative pathway including maintaining faithful stewardship of church resources. He also provides counseling and support for the congregation.
Pastor of Formation mwhite@hbumc.org ext. 1114 Pastor Molly oversees Christian Education for adults, youth, and children, including book and Bible studies, small groups, UMM and UMW, Sunday School classes, and retreats. She offers spiritual support and direction to the congregation. Pastor Molly also serves as the church’s liaison with the NC Conference.
Pastor of Support lfineledford@hbumc.org ext. 1120 Pastor Laura oversees our support ministries, and walks alongside those who are navigating the celebrations and struggles of life. She is the pastoral point person for congregational care, Stephen Ministry, funerals, weddings, baptisms, and helping to connect visitors and new members.
Pastor of Visitation sswandell@hbumc.org x1141 Pastor Sarah serves part-time visiting parishioners in homes, hospitals, and care facilities. She also helps to lead funeral and worship services on Sunday.
Organist saber@hbumc.org
InCrowd Ministry Dir. bbalentine1025@gmail.com
Weekday Preschool Director mkconnor@hbumc.org
Technical Arts Coordinator kdonaldson@hbumc.org ext. 1136
Executive Assistant cfortineau@hbumc.org (919) 832-6435 x1112
Youth Pastor sferguson@hbumc.org
Director of Contemporary Music
Business Admin. Assistant tligon@hbumc.org ext. 1132
Security and Maintenance Assistant
Director of Outreach and Fellowship lnugent@hbumc.org ext. 1124
Building Superintendent mparker@hbumc.org ext. 1121
Maintenance Custodian eperry@hbumc.org
Dir. of Membership and Lay Involvement apiland@hbumc.org ext. 1127
Executive Director tprice@hbumc.org ext. 1143
Director of Children's Ministry kskaggs@hbumc.org ext. 1122
Nursery Coordinator asledge@hbumc.org ext. 1150
Director of Creative Arts mtrexler@hbumc.org ext. 1119
Director of Communications awallen@hbumc.org
Security and Maintenance Assistant
Controller bwicker@hbumc.org ext. 1118